Course Alerts
Course Alerts support students who have shown signs of having barriers to success in a course within the first several weeks of the semester. We intervene while it’s early so that you can get back on track.
Started off on the wrong foot? We can help!
Within the first few weeks of the semester, the Course Alert Progress Report is completed by faculty members who submit notifications to the Center for Academic Success (CAS). These notifications alert the CAS of students who are doing well, and students who may benefit from additional resources and support. These notifications afford students the opportunity to receive academic support and make improvements in a timely manner to achieve scholastic success by the end of the semester.
The Course Alert program helps students:
- Recognize academic challenges
- Identify resources and strategies to address academic challenges
- Take ownership and become empowered to accomplish their goals for academic success
- Take advantage of campus resources available on campus
If you receive a Course Alert email stating that you are at-risk to not pass, take the following actions:
- Read all correspondence regarding the Course Alert notification carefully.
- Follow the steps that you will receive in a separate email from Shelby Scott, Associate Director of Assessment and Academic Support, to schedule an academic coaching appointment. You may also call the Center for Academic Success to schedule it at 678-839-6280.
- Attend your appointment in person, in the UCC, or virtually, to discuss academic improvements for your Course Alert.
Your instructor did not write the message; however, your instructor chose the reason for the alert, which may have prompted an automatic message. All messaging information is automatically queued through EAB Navigate and managed by the Center for Academic Success.
What happens when I submit a Course Alert?
Once a Course Alert has been issued, students will receive an automated email message notifying them that an alert has been made, and the course for the alert. The Center for Academic Success will also receive a notification about the issued alert. The email notification to the Center will prompt the CAS Team to reach out to the student and offer additional support. Students will receive emails either requesting an appointment, or providing information based on the reasons in the workflow.
What if a student is experiencing challenges, such as mental health issues, food insecurity, family concerns, financial difficulties, etc.?
If you believe a student is experiencing challenges that could be interfering with their academic success, such as menta health issues, food insecurity, family concerns, financial difficulties, etc., please complete a 博彩平台推荐 Cares Form.
The Care Team will review all reported concerns and consider appropriate interventions to provide students with needed support.